Day 1 - Wellbeing in Work
Friday 25th October - 10.00 till 2.00pm
The Engineering Building, University of Central Lancashire.
Featuring fantastic speakers and panel discussions, alongside exclusive interviews with leading industry experts and key employers from across the Northwest region.
Gain the knowledge needed to create and grow a positive culture from game changers and trail blazers, joining us from across the region and UK.
Find out moreDay 2 : Wellbeing in Life
Saturday 26th October - 10.00am till 4.00pm
Student Centre, University of Central Lancashire.
We’re curating 7 of our most popular zones, which are all designed to promote “Prevention is Better than Cure” on a mass scale to people that attend, allowing people to discover how they can take ownership of their wellbeing, to make decisions and promote change and take action!
We want people to try new things, sign up to new clubs, find charities to support and promote community projects. We want people to change bad habits and create new ones that will have a profound positive impact on their mental and physical wellbeing.
Find out more

Book Your Tickets

It's Mental Live Lancashire
Day 1: Wellbeing in Work
Friday 25th October 2024
10am till 2pm
Standard Ticket Price £25

It's Mental Live Lancashire
Day 2: Wellbeing in Life
Saturday, 26th October 2024
10am till 4pm
Standard Ticket Price £25

It's Mental Live Lancashire
Directors Wellbeing Forum
Friday, 25th October 2024
8am till 1pm
Standard Ticket Price £99