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Ferne McCann

Ferne is co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Shoo- rah. Ferne has also built a hugely successful personal brand over the last decade and is widely known as one of the UKā€™s most successful and popular media personalities.

During her media life Ferne has starred in some of the countryā€™s most watched television shows, collaborat- ed with some of the UKā€™s best known businesses, be- come a published author and continues to star (along- side fiance Lorri) in her long-running ITV docu-series. Ferne is a certified life-coach (CHECK) and has been de- voted to learning self-development and self-growth techniques for the past six years which have supported and protected her mental health. Ferneā€™s biggest pas- sion is sharing the tools and techniques that have helped her with as many people as possible, through Shoorah.


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