Start Your Wellbeing Journey

PEP Talks for Employees 

What is a PEP Talk?

A PEP TALK is a short conversation guided by our qualified Coaches.

This service gives your employees the opportunity to interact with a qualified coach regarding their mental and physical wellbeing and will be an open and non-intrusive conversation style.

Your employees can book a 15 Minute pep talk with one of our Qualified Wellbeing Coaches through our prevention platform.

PEP TALKS can be used to help an employees wellbeing across these six key areas based on The PERMA + V Model (Please see Perma Model page)

Your Employees Wellbeing

Do you find it difficult to approach and help your employees in the following situations?

  1. They are stressed.
  2. They feel demotivated or low mood.
  3. They are procrastinating at work.
  4. They need to have a independent chat with someone about a life situations.
  5. They are feeling overwhelmed.
  6. They feel anxious about something.
  7. They can’t focus.
  8. They feel angry and resentment.

Support Your Employees

How can PEP TALKS help with your employees wellbeing and productivity?

  1. They can quickly access someone to talk to independently from work or family and friends.
  2. They receive a different perspective on things currently going on in their life.
  3. They can get things off their chests and in return start to calm their mood.
  4. They can empty their bucket of negative thoughts and emotions.
  5. PEP TALKS increase employee engagement.
  6. They will feel more positive
  7. How to show empathy and

  8. Stops procrastination and improves their productivity.
  9. Stop suffering in silence.

  10. Receive help to control their feelings in certain situations.

PERMA + V Model

The PERMA Model is the core of Dr. Martin Sellgman's Wellbeing Theory, it is an acronym that defines the five factors that contribute to a person's wellbeing and happiness. 

How to purchase PEP TALKS for employees

You can purchase PEP TALK credits on a monthly, quarterly basis or annual basis by presenting a Purchase order.

Once you have purchased credits you will be allocated a unique company voucher code.

You’re then good to go! Start granting PEP TALKS to your employees today!

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