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Where are you on the Mood, Thoughts and Motivation Scale?
(MTM Scale)

1 Crisis - Cannot care for yourself anymore. Contact crisis line immediately
2 Critical - Not functioning. At risk to yourself or others if left untreated
3 Severely depressed - Affecting all parts of your daily life
4 Depression/Anxiety - Impacting on daily life. Avoiding things
5 Anxious - Overthinking and being fearful of certain situations is effecting your life
6 Low Mood - You have the skills to manage but are struggling with fatigue, poor diet
7 Stressed - Coping but emotional hiuhiuhiuhiuhuihiuihiuhuihihihuih
8 Okay - Frustrated but able to cheer up with little effort
9 Content - Some stresses managing with self care strategies
10 Happy - Coping well with every day stresses iuhiuhiuhiuhihiuhiuhuihiuhuhihih