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Stay Well Strategy 

for Employers

Positive and Preventative Research for

your business or organisation

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The bedrock of It’s Mental’s Stay Well Strategy for organisations, our Research service is a “stand alone” piece of research that will provide you with a human-level assessment of:

  • Workplace culture
  • Employees support provision pathway and usage
  • Employee support needs and preferences
  • Understanding of positive and preventative culture in your workplace
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In an effort to match the pace of growth in Mental Health provision and employee support, many organisations have fallen into one of two traps:

  1. Subscribe to a pre-packaged generic EAP service and told all employees that THIS is what they need.
  2. Subscribe or signpost to ALL available services and place employees in a labyrinth of wildly different options.

In both cases, the outcome is often the same:

  1. Lots of money spent and little employee engagement.
  2. How do we address this waste of money and resources, and positively impact employee Wellness?

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Find the Pressure Point

In all organisations there is a human pressure point in failing systems. With employee support it is with “middle managers”

There is a directive from the above,

“We do this”

There are wants/needs from below,

“We need this”

Middle management is caught in the crossfire of disconnect between service and need. This often results in dysfunctional relationships with processes and outcomes that are unsupported and unmonitored.

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The research will explore the understanding of culture, wellness and support provision within your organisation, through semi-structured interviews across all levels:

  • SLT - to understand top line culture, directives and what the intention is behind current provisions
  • “Shop floor” - to understand everyday perception of culture, services provided and whether these meet actual needs
  • Middle managers/HR/People Services - to understand what the reality is when managing directives against needs, and how that plays out both professionally and personally for all involved

All interviews will explore the current understanding of “positive and preventative” strategies for wellness, and they look like in the workplace setting.

(All interviews will follow academic ethics protocol, including anonymity and confi- dentiality)

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The research will provide you with an in-depth report on the current perceived culture in your workplace and the factors (positive and negative) that feed this.

It will highlight perceptions and understanding of support provision, crucially, highlighting any gaps between current provision and actual employee needs, as well as their expectations.

This report will enable you to conduct a data-informed refinement of your employee support provision.

Understanding employee needs and wants allows you to tailor the services provided to directly meet those needs.

This will save time, money and address barriers to engagement.

Putting employee voices at the heart of the process, they will feel heard, valued and empowered.

Having contributed to the solution, shared ownership makes the increased likelihood of engagement exponential.

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The Process

Data Collection

Our 2-person team will come to your workplace and interview staff. Each interview is 45 minutes with a 15 minute break between participants. Depending on the size of the participant pool, this will run over multiple days, obviously at your convenience

Transcription & Analysis

All interviews will be transcribed and anonymised. The transcripts will then undergo thematic analysis to extract common themes and all relevant data that informs the understanding of culture, employee support provision, engagement and preventative Wellness approaches.


A PDF report will be constructed which will report all outcomes to you. This will be your, confidential report to utilise as you wish.

Follow Up

7-14 days after receipt of the report, we will meet with the project lead. This will be to check in on the welfare of participants, as well as to discuss any further actions/support that It’s Mental can offer your organisation.

Make an enquiry

To find out more about the "Stay Well Strategy" from It's Mental, please complete the form the below and a member of our team will contact your shortly.

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